

AddmusicK Resources

Inside the amk_resources folder you can find a custom a custom SFX file (amk_resources/sfx/Death Prelude.txt) and a custom death music file (amk_resources/music/01 Miss (no intro).txt). These can be used to keep a vanilla-feeling sound on death with Retry enabled.

The SFX is the intro to the vanilla death music, and it is recommended to use as the Retry death SFX. To do so, insert it as any other SFX in AddmusicK: move the txt file inside AMK's 1DFC folder, then add it as a new entry in the Addmusic_sound effects.txt file under SFX1DFC. To configure Retry to play this SFX on death, in settings_global.asm change !death_sfx to the value you used in Addmusic_sound effects.txt, and set !death_sfx_addr = $1DFC.

The music file is the vanilla death jingle but with the initial part removed (the part that is played in the custom SFX provided here). This can be used as an alternative death jingle for when choosing "Exit" in the Retry prompt: normally this plays the vanilla death jingle, but it might be weird to replay the death SFX part of it, so you can insert this alternative variant in your Addmusic_list.txt and configure Retry to play that only when using "Exit". To do so, change !death_jingle_alt in settings_global.asm to the number you inserted it as in AMK's list. Note that you shouldn't insert this as a global song.


The graphic files used by Retry can be found in the retry_config/gfx folder. Note that these are uploaded dynamically to the sprite GFX pages when needed, so you don't need to insert them yourself in your GFX files, but you're free to edit them with tools like YY-CHR if you so wish (they're all 4bpp files).

File Purpose Default Palette
letters1.bin Retry prompt letters used in the prompt when !no_prompt_box = 0 8
letters2.bin Retry prompt letters used in the prompt when !no_prompt_box = 1 8
coins.bin Two 8x8 tiles used by the sprite status bar coin counters (the first is used by the coin counter, the second by the Dragon Coin counter). 8
digits.bin Numbers used by the sprite status bar timer and coin counter Any
indicator.bin Single 8x8 tile used by the retry indicator 9
item_box_8x8.bin Single 8x8 tile used to draw the smaller Item Box B
item_box_16x16.bin Four 8x8 tiles used to draw the full Item Box B
timer.bin Single 8x8 tile used for the sprite status bar timer icon 8
lives.bin Two 8x8 tile used for the sprite status bar lives counter icon (the first is used for Mario, the second for Luigi) 9
bonus_stars.bin Single 8x8 tile used for the sprite status bar bonus stars counter icon 9

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