This section will help install the Retry System for your project.
The first step is to download UberASM Tool, which is the tool used to insert Retry and many other resources. Note that you need to use UberASM Tool version 2.0 or higher to insert Retry.
Now that you have UberASM Tool, you'll need to copy the Retry files into it.
Inside the main folder you can find the retry_install.bat file, which will do all the copying for you. Just double click it, and then drag and drop your UberASM Tool folder inside the terminal window that pops up. After that, the script will copy all the files in your folder, and you should see a success message. Additionally, if Retry was already present in your UberASM Tool folder, the script will backup up its files in a separate retry_old_backup folder, in case you need to port your settings from the previous version (feel free to delete this folder afterwards).
If you instead want to do it manually, follow these steps:
After running the script or copying the files manually, your UberASM Tool folder structure should look like this:
Now that the Retry files are in place, you need to tell UberASM Tool to insert them in your rom.
gamemode: 00 retry_gm00.asm 06 retry_gm06.asm 07 retry_gm07.asm 0C retry_gm0C.asm 0D retry_gm0D.asm 0F retry_gm0F.asm 10 retry_gm10.asm 11 retry_gm11.asm 12 retry_gm12.asm 13 retry_gm13.asm 14 retry_gm14.asm 15 retry_gm15.asm 16 retry_gm16.asm 19 retry_gm19.asm
Now Retry is inserted in your rom, so if you start a new game and die in a level, you should see the Retry prompt pop up (since it is the default configuration). To customize it, you need to edit the configuration files in the retry_config folder. When you make changes, you can just run UberASM Tool again to see them applied in the game.
For more information about the customization options, check out the Configuration section.