This documents serves as a detailed reference on the purpose of the RAM addresses used by Retry, and how you can use them.
Retry uses a chunk of RAM at $7FB400
on SA-1 roms) by default. The size of this area is 241 + (4*!max_custom_midway_num)
bytes (where !max_custom_midway_num
is defined in settings.asm
The default address should be fine in most cases, but if you want to change it because of some freeram conflict, open ram.asm
and edit !retry_freeram
if you're using SA-1).
In the ram.asm
file you can also see the name for the different addresses, defined as %retry_ram(name,$XX)
, where $XX
specifies the offset from the base !retry_freeram
address. The full address name is resolved to !ram_name
and !ram_retry_name
If you need to perform read/write operations on the Retry RAM addresses, you can do as follows:
for a specific address name
. For example, if you want to check if the player is respawning, you can do: LDA retry_ram_is_respawning : BNE respawning
file inside your patch/sprite/block file, then you can reference them either with the !retry_ram_name
defines or the retry_ram_name
label. If you need them for sprites, it's suggested to copy the contents inside PIXI's sa1def.asm
file, and in case of blocks to copy them inside GPS's defines.asm
. This way the addresses will be available in all sprites/blocks without having to copy them multiple times.Here is the table containing information about all addresses used by Retry, including their name and size.
Addresses that are labeled as "Internal" are used internally by Retry and shouldn't be written to outside of it (although you can read them to know the state of some of Retry's operations, such as the respawning example earlier). Addresses that are labeled as "User" are meant to be written by the user to enable or customize some of Retry's features.
Note that the first 13 bytes ($00-$0B
) are laid out exactly as the original Retry patch (and have the same function), to keep compatibility with resources that used them or that expect them to be arranged in a certain way. For this reason it's recommended not to change them.
Name | Offset | Size | Purpose | Description |
timer |
$00 |
$03 |
Internal | Used to hold the level's initial timer value, to reset it to the correct value when respawning. You can read it at any time during a level to know what the initial timer was. |
respawn |
$03 |
$02 |
Internal | Destination value to go to when respawning. This value is written on level load depending on the current checkpoint and used when Retrying. You can see the format at $7E19B8 (low byte) and $7E19D8 (high byte) in the SMWCentral RAM Map. Note that the high byte is always ORA d with $04 (i.e. it always uses the Lunar Magic entrance system rather than vanilla).Additionally, if the destination is a level's main entrance and the highest bit is set, then the entrance will act as a Yoshi Wings sublevel. |
is_respawning |
$05 |
$01 |
Internal | Flag set when a level is being reloaded by Retry after dying. It can be used to check if a room is being loaded by Retry or it's just a normal level entrance/transition. |
music_to_play |
$06 |
$01 |
Internal | Music number that has to be played after respawn. Only used when AddmusicK is patched. If $FF , the song's samples will be reloaded. |
hurry_up |
$07 |
$01 |
Internal | Flag set when the timer drops under 99 seconds and the music speeds up. When set, the death song will be played when dying even if it shouldn't, to reset the level's song's tempo. |
door_dest |
$08 |
$02 |
Internal | It holds the destination value for the current entrance, set when going to a sublevel via a door/pipe/etc. It's used to set the checkpoint to the current entrance when using the $02 or $03 option in the checkpoint table. It uses the same format as respawn . |
music_backup |
$0A |
$01 |
Internal | Holds the song number that was playing right before playing the death song. It's copied to $0DDA when dying, which prevents the samples to be reloaded if the same song is played again afterwards (for AddmusicK). |
update_request |
$0B |
$01 |
Internal | Flag set when dying if the Retry prompt is active. It makes the NMI handler upload the prompt letters to VRAM. It's set to $00 right after. You can set this mid-level if you need the letters GFX to be loaded for some reason. |
prompt_phase |
$0C |
$01 |
Internal | Holds the value for the current phase of the Retry prompt box. The values go as follows:
update_window |
$0D |
$01 |
Internal | The high bit is set during the Retry prompt handling to make the window change shape to properly show the options. Needed to avoid occasional flickering when updating it on the same frame it finished expanding. Additionally used as a timer ( $00-$7F ) when the Retry prompt opens to disable pressing up/down to move the cursor (as specified by !prompt_cooldown in settings.asm ). |
is_dying |
$0E |
$01 |
Internal | Flag set when Mario dies. It's used for a few processes that happen when Mario dies. Format: srr----d
9D_backup |
$0F |
$01 |
Internal | Holds a backup of the $9D value when going through a normal transition, which is then restored when respawning. This is used when !pipe_entrance_freeze = 2 in settings.asm . |
midway_powerup |
$10 |
$01 |
User | This can be used to override the !midway_powerup setting in certain situations. If this is $00 , then midways won't give a mushroom, otherwise they will. This is only initialized on the title screen based on the !midway_powerup setting, but you can change it at any time. Just remember that you'll need to change it back to the default value yourself if needed. |
prompt_override |
$11 |
$01 |
User | This can be used to override the Retry settings of the current level or all levels depending on some condition (for example, if you want to let the player choose if to have instant Retry or not). It follows the same format as the %retry setting in settings_local.asm (see Local Settings - %retry for details). If this is set to $00 , the value in the local settings will be used instead, or the default value in settings_global.asm if there's no local setting for the current sublevel. It's only reset on title screen load, meaning that its effect will last until you set it back to $00 yourself. |
disable_exit |
$12 |
$01 |
User | If set to a value other than $00 , the Retry prompt won't show the EXIT option. It's set to !disable_exit_option from settings.asm on title screen load, but you can also change it at any time to remove the option in certain situations. Remember that you'll need to change it back to the default value yourself if needed. |
set_checkpoint |
$13 |
$02 |
User | This address functions as a simple way to set the checkpoint for the current level to a certain entrance, without having to worry about all the internal Retry mechanism that makes it work. It's mainly used by the vanilla/custom midway objects, but you can also write to it yourself if you're making your own midways or you need to change the checkpoint dynamically. It can be used in 3 ways:
prompt_x_pos |
$15 |
$01 |
User | Holds the X position at which the Retry prompt should appear at. You can write to it at any time. Note that this address is only reset on title screen load to the !text_x_pos value in settings.asm . |
prompt_y_pos |
$16 |
$01 |
User | Holds the Y position at which the Retry prompt should appear at. You can write to it at any time. Note that this address is only reset on title screen load to the !text_y_pos value in settings.asm . |
disable_box |
$17 |
$01 |
User | If set, the Retry prompt's black box will be disabled. It's set to !no_prompt_box from settings.asm on title screen load, but you can also change it at any time. Suggested to be set if also changing prompt_x_pos and prompt_y_pos during gameplay. |
play_sfx |
$18 |
$01 |
Internal | Bitwise mask set on level load for different purposes. Format: e------s .
midways_override |
$19 |
$01 |
User | This can be used to prevents midways and/or checkpoints from functioning. Changing this will take effect on the next level load. Possible values to use are as follows:
$00 when needed.
coin_backup |
$1A |
$01 |
Internal | Keeps track of the last frame's coins value to check if it changed, to only upload the coin counter's sprite digits when necessary. Not used if !sprite_status_bar = 0 in settings.asm . |
lives_backup |
$1B |
$01 |
Internal | Keeps track of the last frame's lives values to check if it changed, to only upload the lives counter's sprite digits when necessary. Not used if !sprite_status_bar = 0 in settings.asm . |
bonus_stars_backup |
$1C |
$01 |
Internal | Keeps track of the last frame's bonus stars value to check if it changed, to only upload the bonus stars counter's sprite digits when necessary. Not used if !sprite_status_bar = 0 in settings.asm . |
status_bar_item_box_tile |
$1D |
$02 |
User | Current sprite status bar item box tile number and palette. Format: $PTTT (P = palette, TTT = tile number). See API - Configure sprite status bar for details. |
status_bar_timer_tile |
$1F |
$02 |
User | Current sprite status bar timer tile number and palette. Format: $PTTT (P = palette, TTT = tile number). See API - Configure sprite status bar for details. |
status_bar_coins_tile |
$21 |
$02 |
User | Current sprite status bar coin counter tile number and palette. Format: $PTTT (P = palette, TTT = tile number). See API - Configure sprite status bar for details. |
status_bar_lives_tile |
$23 |
$02 |
User | Current sprite status bar lives counter tile number and palette. Format: $PTTT (P = palette, TTT = tile number). See API - Configure sprite status bar for details. |
status_bar_bonus_stars_tile |
$25 |
$02 |
User | Current sprite status bar bonus stars counter tile number and palette. Format: $PTTT (P = palette, TTT = tile number). See API - Configure sprite status bar for details. |
reserved |
$27 |
$04 |
Internal | Unused, but reserved for future expansion. Usage as freeram is not recommended. |
death_counter |
$2B |
$05 |
Internal | Holds the amount of deaths occurred. Each byte holds the value of a digit in the counter (from left to right). Saved to SRAM/BW-RAM by default (if !sram_feature = 1 in settings.asm ). |
checkpoint |
$30 |
$C0 |
Internal | Checkpoint data for each level (2 bytes per level). Holds the destination value of the latest checkpoint obtained in each level (using the same format as respawn ). Note that entry 0 (the first 2 bytes) hold the checkpoint value for the intro level, but it won't be used after the intro. Saved to SRAM/BW-RAM by default (if !sram_feature = 1 in settings.asm ). |
cust_obj_data |
$F0 |
Var. | Internal | Data for all the possible custom midway objects loaded in the current level, plus a counter for how many custom midways are in the level (used to prevent additional midways from spawning if reaching the !max_custom_midway_num value from settings.asm ).Each midway uses 4 bytes, so this uses (4*!max_custom_midway_num)+1 bytes. For each object, there's a 2 bytes identifier (based on its index in the level's map16 data) and the destination value that this midway will set when grabbed (based on the object's extension). |