The Retry System has a built-in saving system. You can configure what addresses it saves by editing two tables in retry_config/sram_tables.asm.
This table can be used to save custom values to SRAM, so they can persist when the console is turned off. By default it saves the custom checkpoint ram (so multiple midways will save properly) and the death counter.
save: dl !ram_checkpoint : dw 192 ; Feel free to add your own stuff here. .not_game_over: dl !ram_death_counter : dw 5 ; Feel free to add your own stuff here.
Each line is formatted as follows:
dl $XXXXXX : dw $YYYY
is what RAM address to save. Make sure it's always 3 bytes long (i.e. use $7E0019 instead of $19 or $0019) and $YYYY
is how many bytes to save at that address (remove the $ to use a decimal value).
For example, adding dl $7E1F3C : dw 12
will make the 1-Up checkpoints for all levels save. Make sure to always put a colon between the two elements!
The addresses you put under .not_game_over
will be saved like usual, but they won't be reloaded from SRAM when getting a game over. This can be useful if you want some things to retain even if the player got a game over before being able to save them.
Here you specify the "default" values of the addresses you want to save, for when a new save file is started.
sram_defaults: ; Default checkpoint values (don't edit this!). dw $0000,$0001,$0002,$0003,$0004,$0005,$0006,$0007 dw $0008,$0009,$000A,$000B,$000C,$000D,$000E,$000F dw $0010,$0011,$0012,$0013,$0014,$0015,$0016,$0017 dw $0018,$0019,$001A,$001B,$001C,$001D,$001E,$001F dw $0020,$0021,$0022,$0023,$0024,$0101,$0102,$0103 dw $0104,$0105,$0106,$0107,$0108,$0109,$010A,$010B dw $010C,$010D,$010E,$010F,$0110,$0111,$0112,$0113 dw $0114,$0115,$0116,$0117,$0118,$0119,$011A,$011B dw $011C,$011D,$011E,$011F,$0120,$0121,$0122,$0123 dw $0124,$0125,$0126,$0127,$0128,$0129,$012A,$012B dw $012C,$012D,$012E,$012F,$0130,$0131,$0132,$0133 dw $0134,$0135,$0136,$0137,$0138,$0139,$013A,$013B ; Feel free to add your own stuff here. .not_game_over: ; Initial death counter value (don't edit this!). db $00,$00,$00,$00,$00 ; Feel free to add your own stuff here.
You can do db $XX,$XX,...
for 1 byte values, dw $XXXX,$XXXX,...
for 2 bytes values and dl $XXXXXX,$XXXXXX,...
for 3 bytes values.
The amount of values of each entry should correspond to the dw $YYYY
value in the save table (for example, the checkpoint values are 192, and the death counter values are 5).
Remember, if you have some addresses after .not_game_over
in the save:
table, put their default values after .not_game_over
here also, in the same order.
table, you need to add the default values in the sram_defaults:
table below.$7E0000-$7E1FFF
you must change the bank to $40 ($400000-$401FFF
). Additionally, a lot of other addresses might be remapped to different locations (see SA-1 docs for more info).$000000-$001FFF
instead of $7E0000-$7E1FFF
will make the save/load process a bit faster.